Looking for boxes and bubble wrap to pack up boxes for storage? When you rent with Cool Spring Storage, we provide everything you need for an easy storing experience. Choose from our storage options in a range of sizes. If you need extra supplies for packing, we have your back by selling storage supplies in our Milton DE office. See what we have to offer!
Once you pack your boxes into the storage unit, you are not going to remember which items are where. That is why it is important to label your boxes with the contents and the room into which it will be unpacked. This will save you time later when you are looking for a specific item.
Some common padding ideas for a box include newspapers and bubble wrap, but what if you have neither? I bet you have some towels, blankets, or pillow cases. You need to pack up these items anyway, so why not consolidate? Use small towels, for instance, in between glasses to prevent them from sliding around in the box and breaking.
When you start packing, make sure to check that boxes will be able to hold all your items. Flimsy boxes pose the risk of breaking with too much weight in them. A rule to remember is that lighter objects should be packed in old boxes, while heavy items should take priority in your newer boxes. If you are in the market for new boxes, our office sells storage supplies at our facility in Milton DE. For the month of October, a percentage of the sales go to Susan G. Komen for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Cool Spring Storage Center has premier storage options for the Milton DE community. Pick from drive-up or temperature-controlled storage units to match your needs. If you need to store a vehicle, we can also take care of that with our parking options. Our staff can help you with any questions. And to make storing as easy as possible for you, we also sell storage supplies on-site in Milton DE. Rent or reserve your next storage unit!
About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.